Wiccan Hálsmen
Wiccan Hálsmen
Wiccan Hálsmen
Wiccan Hálsmen
Wiccan Hálsmen
Wiccan Hálsmen
Wiccan Hálsmen
Wiccan Hálsmen
Wiccan Hálsmen
Wiccan Hálsmen
Wiccan Hálsmen
Wiccan Hálsmen
Wiccan Hálsmen
Wiccan Hálsmen

Wiccan Hálsmen

Venjulegt verð 2.490 kr 0 kr

Pentacle of Life wiccan amulet features a pewter pentacle charm with crystal gems accenting each point strung on a sturdy, black cord. The clear crystal represents clarity, purple for healing, light blue for protection, green for courage and red for strength.

Druids Tree wiccan amulet features a circular, pewter tree and a crystal-accented pentacle charm strung on a sturdy, black cord. Attract luck and protection using the power of the sacred tree of the Druids.

Astral Senses wiccan amulet features a circular, pewter pentagram charm accented with 6 gems strung on a sturdy, black cord. Its clear crystal promotes mental relaxation, amethyst aids the stomach, peridot aids the heart, aquamarine aids the throat and lungs, emerald aids the liver and garnet aids the blood. Useful for protection and bringing health and harmony to the body.

Hex wiccan amulet features a circular, pewter skull charm accented by a jeweled pentagram strung on a sturdy, black cord. Use this amulet to ward off evil and exact revenge on enemies.

Everlasting spirit, the talismans magic is provided by the pentagram, with the unicorn symbolising power, freedom and the everlasting spiral of the immortal spirit, combined with the crystal stone centre creating happiness, youth and friendship.

Transformation wiccan amulet features a pewter charm of a snake entwined with a pentagram strung on a sturdy, black cord. Snakes symbolise renewal and rebirth and wearing a snake around one's neck is thought to shed the wearer's negative energy.

Mystic Pentacle wiccan amulet features a pink-jewelled, pewter pentagram charm strung on a sturdy, black cord. A great every day amulet for meditation and protection.

Adder dragons, the druids believed that iced glass was the solidified breath of dragons, these glass nuggets were called adder stones and were used by them, along with the symbol of the dragon, as charms against disease, hate and malice.

Familiars Moon wiccan amulet features a pewter pentagram charm strung on a sturdy, black cord. Harness the power of a witch's familiar and attract companionship and trust.

Resurrection wiccan amulet features a pewter goat charm strung on a sturdy, black cord. The Druids used a goat as a symbol of longevity and immortality, useful for protecting against harmful illnesses.

This Seeker of Wisdom wiccan amulet features an ornate, pewter pentagram charm strung on a sturdy, black cord. Perfect for those seeking perfection and balance.

This Oracle of Visiona wiccan amulet features a pewter pentagram charm strung on a sturdy, black cord. It is said to give the wearer the gift of divination with the aid of red crystals for channeling energies.



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