Wiccan Goddess of Love Hálsmen
Wiccan Goddess of Love Hálsmen
Wiccan Goddess of Love Hálsmen
Wiccan Goddess of Love Hálsmen

Wiccan Goddess of Love Hálsmen

Venjulegt verð 8.490 kr 0 kr

The Triple Goddess of Wicca, Maiden-Mother-Crone, embodied as the three depicting the three phases of the moon where the Goddess embodies the triad of life's chapter's; the Maiden for youth and new beginnings, the Mother for maturity, fertility, sexuality and power and the Crone for wisdom, tranquility and endings. The violet, red and pink crystals respectively represent; divination and prophecy, psychic healing, inspiration and spiritual power; passion, sexuality, will-power, independence, health, love, passion and fertility; tenderness, romance, caring, friendship, femininity and emotional healing. The binding ivy is for friendship, marriage, fidelity and affection, and the pendant Triquetra, or interwoven triangle, below, is a Wiccan symbol for the Mind, Body and Soul and another symbol for the Neopagan Triple Goddess, but also representing the land, sea and sky.

A double-chain necklace with the main feature a pewter triple moon symbol holding three Austrian crystals, each differently coloured to represent spiritual values, and the whole overlaid with a bronze plated bough of pewter ivy. The second, smaller piece suspended below on a longer chain is a pewter, Celtic, interlaced Triquetra symbol; n a split trace chain, 18" (46cm) overall plus a 1 ½" extender chain.


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